3 October 2007

The University of Queensland continues to attract the dominant share of the State’s most academically able Queensland Year 12 students to its programs, according to latest data compiled by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Of the total of 498 school leavers earning an Overall Position (OP) of 1 and enrolling in tertiary study for 2007 through QTAC, 304 students, or 61 percent, chose to study at UQ.

This was three times more than any other Queensland university. QTAC data showed that enrolment at UQ for students receiving results in the top three OP bands was also almost three times greater than that of its nearest competitor.

Data show that 1022 students (57.5 percent) with OP scores of one, two or three were admitted to UQ this year out of the total pool of 1780 students in these bands enrolling in Queensland universities through QTAC.

UQ slightly increased its share of OP1-3 students between 2006 and 2007. In the OP4-7 band, UQ also had the highest share — 39.5 percent, or 977 of the 2471 students enrolling through QTAC.

University of Queensland Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay said the latest data reflected that the State’s most academically able students continued to make UQ their top choice.

“The University is continuing to refine and improve its offerings, has state-of-the-art facilities, and employs quality teachers and researchers as recognised in prestigious national and international rankings such as The Times Higher Education Supplement, 2008 Good Universities Guide and the Shanghai Jiao Tong rankings,” he said.

“Our staff members have earned far more national teaching awards than any other Australian university, while our faculties and cluster of research institutes indicate the depth and breadth of our expertise.

“UQ is a founding member of the Group of Eight, a group of Australian universities which conducts 70 percent of all university research in Australia.

“It is also one of only three Australian members of Universitas 21 – an international network of comprehensive, research-intensive universities committed to quality through benchmarking against world-best practice.”

Professor Hay said students were attracted by the University’s outstanding facilities, teachers and programs, and its record for strong employment and graduate outcomes.

For more information about studying at UQ visit www.uq.edu.au/study or contact 07 3365 2203. If you would like a tour of any of UQ’s three campuses, visit www.uq.edu.au/experience, or telephone (07) 3346 9649.

The University will also hold a UQ Options evening on Tuesday, December 18 at the UQ Centre, Union Road, St Lucia campus from 5pm-8pm to help students get the best results from their OPs.

Media: Further information, telephone Jan King at UQ Communications, telephone 07 3365 1120 or 0413 601 248.