9 July 2007

Maths and sex are familiar bedfellows, according to the guest speaker at a free public lecture at The University of Queensland’s (UQ) St Lucia campus on Thursday, July 12.

Dr Clio Cresswell says maths and sex are “very much intertwined” and believes mathematical patterns can guide life choices including how many sexual partners a person should have before they stop “playing the field.”

Dr Cresswell, a senior lecturer in the University of Sydney’s School of Mathematics and Statistics, will sum up her theory during her lecture, linked with the International Centre of Excellence for Education in Mathematics (ICE-EM) Australian Graduate School in Mathematics.

The annual mathematics program is based on successful US and European models and enables postgraduate students to learn the equivalent of a semester-long US university advanced maths course in three weeks.

The Australian Graduate School in Mathematics is a joint initiative between The University of Queensland and ICE-EM.

ICE-EM is funded by the Australian government through the Department of Education, Science and Training and managed by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.

Dr Cresswell, author of Mathematics and Sex, says she will be entertaining her audience by showing how “a dalliance with equations” can value-add a person’s love life and help multiply the chances of wedded bliss.

“Mathematics is the study of patterns – their discovery, their interconnections and their implications,” Dr Cresswell said.

“In the context of human behaviour, patterns abound and mathematics provide many unique and exciting insights.

“The plan is for people to leave my presentation with some great relationships tips, but more importantly, take away a rekindled sense of how creative, evolving, relevant and downright sexy mathematics is.”

Dr Cresswell’s lecture will be held between 6pm and 7pm at the Raybould Lecture Theatre in the Hawken Engineering Building, Cooper Road, UQ St Lucia campus. Copies of Mathematics and Sex will be on sale for signing.

Light refreshments will be available after the lecture, RSVP to l.flower@sps.uq.edu.au

Media: For more information, phone Lynda Flower on (07) 3365 2424 or 0427 158 969, Professor Peter Adams on (07) 3365 3276 or Dr Cresswell on (02) 9351 4533, or visit http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/IAGSM/plecture_2007.html