18 July 2007

A world of career opportunities will be on hand for students when The University of Queensland takes part in the 2007 International Careers Fair.

The careers fair provides international students the chance to explore career options in their home countries and Australian students the opportunity to explore international career possibilities in their chosen field.

This year's International Careers Fair, which will take place at City Hall in Brisbane's heart, follows in the success of the inaugural fair held at The University of Queensland in August last year.

UQ Dean of Students Dr Lisa Gaffney said the chance to meet face-to-face with international employers was invaluable to students.

The meetings will allow students to make an impression on prospective employers. In addition, students will be able to have specific career questions answered.

"The International Careers Fair brings some of the world's biggest employers into one room, which is a tremendous networking opportunity for students." Dr Gaffney said.

A host of international employers will be at the careers fair, including Bloomberg LP, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, Accenture, Siemens Ltd, Eton House Singapore and Chongquing Personnel Bureau.

Students are encouraged to visit the International Careers Fair website to find out about the specific disciplines employers are hoping to recruit from and for which countries.

The Fair is organised by the Queensland Government and the University of Queensland, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology and University of Southern Queensland, which combined teach more than 17,000 international students across a range of degree programs.

The 2007 International Careers Fair will be held in the Main Auditorium of Brisbane City Hall from 11am to 4pm on Thursday, August 9.

For more information go to www.careersfair.org.au or email: enquiries@careersfair.org.au.