4 June 2007

A University of Queensland researcher whose practical advice about children has helped millions of families is a classic choice as 2007 Queenslander of the Year, UQ Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay, AC, said today.

Professor Matt Sanders, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Director of UQ’s Parenting and Family Support Centre and founder of Triple P-Positive Parenting Program was named Suncorp Queenslander of the Year by the Premier, Peter Beattie, on June 3.

Professor Hay said Professor Sanders’ outstanding research and its translation into practical programs gave priceless support to people grappling with the world’s most important job: raising children.

"Matt, whose research began at UQ more than 25 years ago, is there for families at some of their most challenging times," Professor Hay said.

"His clear and simple child-raising strategies improve parents’ confidence and foster happier, stronger families.

"Matt and his team have helped approximately three million children and families in 15 countries where Triple P is used. Triple P has been translated into 14 languages and more than 20,000 practitioners have been trained it its delivery.

"UQ’s main technology transfer entity, UniQuest, licenses production and distribution of publications and training to a Queensland-based company, Triple P International."

Professor Hay paid tribute to three other UQ people who were short-listed as finalists for Queenslander of the Year and Young Queenslander of the Year.

Associate Professor Qin Cheng reached the final five for Queenslander of the Year, and Dr Michael Milford and Ms Homa Forotan were among only four finalists for Young Queenslander of the Year.

Professor Hay said Professor Sanders was the second UQ identity in as many years to be Queenslander of the Year.

"UQ’s Professor Ian Frazer, co-inventor of the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine, won the title in 2006," he said.

"Professor Sanders and Professor Frazer have applied their brilliant minds and passion for research to address global health and social problems.

"It is a credit to the modern Queensland that such people are being upheld as Queenslanders of the Year."

Media inquiries: Fiona Kennedy (3365 1088 or 0413 380 012; email: fiona.kennedy@uq.edu.au).