21 May 2007

UQ Business School PhD student Simone Carr-Cornish will use her climate change studies to benefit the State when she joins the Queensland Youth Environmental Council.

Ms Carr-Cornish is one of five UQ students/graduates appointed to the Council, announced last week by the Minister for Environment and Multiculturalism, Lindy Nelson-Carr, and the Minister for Education and Training and Minister for the Arts, Rod Welford.

UQ appointees to the Council also include Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts student Anna Keenan, Bachelor of Environmental Science student Clare Towler, Bachelor of Veterinary science student Michaella Griffin and Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Commerce student Stephanie Young.

Ms Carr-Cornish said the Council would provide the Queensland Government with a youth perspective on key environmental and sustainability issues, such as climate change, water use, renewable energy, and wildlife conservation.

“I think the Youth Environment Council is a great opportunity for me to advance my knowledge of sustainability issues while also gaining a first-hand insight into the understanding of other young people," she said.

Ms Carr-Cornish completed a degree in Business Management majoring in marketing and international business before going on to do Honours.

“In my Honours year I became very interested in organisational strategy and sustainability – rather than my original marketing focus.”

“Associate Professor Andrew Griffiths suggested I think about doing a PhD – I grabbed at the opportunity to continue working in the area.”

Ms Carr-Cornish – who works part-time at CSIRO as well as studying full-time – is currently in Paris to present a paper co-authored (with fellow UQ Business School PhD students Martina Linnenluecke and Nardia Haigh) at the European Academy of Management conference.

For more information contact Cathy Stacey (07) 3365 6179 or 0434 074 372.