16 May 2007

Queensland’s Sunshine Coast this week is being invaded by leaders in the field of quantum atom optics from around the world.

They are converging on Caloundra for a workshop, hosted by ACQAO (Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Quantum Atom Optics).

It will cover hot topics in quantum optics and ultracold quantum gases and include a "Gardiner Symposium" to celebrate scientist Crispin Gardiner's contributions to quantum optics and atom optics.

ACQAO work exploits the quantum nature of multiple particle quantum states of atoms and photons, including entangled light and Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). The Centre focuses on fundamental research, but their long term goal is to underpin and develop the next generation quantum technology.

Invited speakers at the workshop include
• Brian Anderson - University of Arizona, USA
• Hans Bachor - Australian National University
• Subhash Chaturvedi - University of Hyderabad, India
• Crispin Gardiner - University of Otago, New Zealand
• Ed Hinds - Imperial College, UK
• Gerd Leuchs - University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
• Gerard Milburn - University of Queensland, Australia
• Chris Westbrook - Institut d'Optique, Orsay, France
• Peter Zoller - Universität Innsbruck, Austria

For more information or to arrange suitable interview times please contact Ruth Wilson, Chief Operations Officer on 0418 967 473 or Jan King at 0413 601 248.

For more information about quantum atom optics in Australia visit www.acqao.org.