8 March 2007

The Ipswich community’s use of facilities at The University of Queensland Ipswich Campus will be enhanced from next week with the official opening of the Ipswich Activity Centre.

The Centre, which will play an important role in the University’s commitment to community engagement, is designed to provide a place for public activities and events on a small scale, and a facility for multi-faith activities.

University staff, business leaders, government and community representatives alike will join together at a public celebration to mark the official opening of the refurbished site by the University Chancellor, Sir Llew Edwards, AC, on Monday, March 12.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Alan Rix said the official opening of the Centre heralded benefits for both students and staff at the Campus, as well as the Ipswich community.

“The Campus community and public groups will be able to utilise the facility for interaction, events and small-scale activities,” Prof Rix said.

“Since its inception in 1999, the Campus has been focused on engagement with the local community to develop mutually-beneficial outcomes designed to enhance the region’s interaction with the University.

“The Centre enhances these on and off Campus partnerships and we are looking forward to the many opportunities and interactions this will provide.”

Designed by Wilson Architects, the Activity Centre was recently named Building of Year in the Darling Downs Regional Awards of the RAIA National Architecture Awards. The Campus’ recently refurbished UQ Boilerhouse also received a Commendation at the Awards. Both will be entered in the upcoming RAIA State Awards, to be announced later this year.

The official opening of the Activity Centre will be held from 10am on March 12 at the Activity Centre, Building 29, UQ Ipswich Campus (entrance off Parker Avenue).

The event will be officiated by Professor Rix, with Hon Sir Llew Edwards AC to officially open the Centre and acknowledgements from UQ Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay, AC .

Information regarding public bookings for the Ipswich Activity Centre is available by telephoning the Campus’ Operations Officer Anna Hay on 3381 1333 or visit www.uq.edu.au/ipswich/community.

Media inquiries: Loretta Porche at UQ Ipswich (3381 1068, 0421 587 278).