1 February 2007

A number of people associated with The University of Queensland featured in this year`s Australia Day Honours List.

They included the following:

— Order of Australia Companion (AC)

• Dr Bridget Ogilvie, for service to science in the field of biomedical research, particularly related to veterinary and medical parasitology. Dr Ogilvie, a UQ graduate, was formerly Director of the Wellcome Trust.

— Officer (AO) General Division

• Former Queensland Premier and UQ Bachelor of Agriculture Science graduate, the Honourable Michael Ahern, for service to the Queensland Parliament, to economic and trade development through fostering primary production and international relationships, and to the community through technological, medical research, educational and charitable organizations.

• Former UQ Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and current Vice-Chancellor of RMIT Professor Margaret Gardner for service to tertiary education and industrial relations in Queensland.

— Member (AM) general division

• Associate Professor Con Aroney, of the School of Medicine, for service to medicine in the field of cardiology, to the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.

• Veterinary science graduate and UQ Gatton Gold Medallist Professor Keith Entwistle, for service to the beef industry and to veterinary education.

• Richard Ian Hanger QC, an Adjunct Professor in the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, for service to the law, particularly through the development of alternative dispute resolution methods and procedures, and to music.

• The late Professor Brian Hills, formerly an Adjunct Professor with the University’s Medicine Department, for service to medical research, particularly in the fields of respiratory physiology and decompression sickness as an educator and author.

• UQ graduate Professor John McGrath, who is Director, Epidemiology and Developmental Neurobiology of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and a member of the Queensland Brain Institute Faculty. Professor McGrath received his award for service to medicine in the field of schizophrenia research through the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, to psychiatric education, and to a range of professional medical organizations.

• The Chairperson of the Dental Board of Queensland, UQ Master of Dental Science graduate and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Dentistry Dr Richard Olive, for service to dentistry through a range of professional organizations and the Royal Australian Army Dental Corps and dental education.

• UQ graduate Professor Michael O’Rourke, for service to medicine as a surgeon, to medical education and training, and to research in the field of melanoma treatment.

• UQ PhD graduate and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Sunshine Coast Professor Paul Thomas, for service to higher education, particularly through the development and administration of the University of the Sunshine Coast, and to the establishment of educational links with China and Japan.

— Medal (OAM) General Division

• Dr Brian Carss of the former Faculty of Education for service in the field of continuing education particularly through the Australian and New Zealand College for Seniors, and to the community through Rotary International.

• Ms Leah Horwitz, who was a board member of the School of Music, for service to music education as a piano teacher, examiner, adjudicator and performer.

• The Rev Canon Emeritus Bruce Maughan, for service to education through a range of administrative roles and as a teacher, and to the Anglican Church of Australia. Canon Maughan is a UQ graduate and currently serves on the Council of King`s College.

• UQ MBBS graduate Dr Brian Wilson for service to medicine in the field of ophthalmology as a researcher, clinician and teacher, and to the community.

— Public service medal

• UQ graduate Dr Anthony (Tony) Pressland, for outstanding public service in the field of sustainable management of natural resources in Queensland.