4 October 2006

350 international delegates will discuss injury management and prevention and employment of people with disabilities in Brisbane next week.

The delegates will be attending the 3rd International Forum on Disability Management at Brisbane Sofitel from October 8-11.

It is being hosted by UQ’s Centre of National Research on Disability and Rehabilition Medicine (CONROD) and Griffith University.

Chair of CONROD Professor Graham Hughes, AM, said a recent OECD report found that many people receiving disability benefits were capable of working and wanted to work, but were discouraged from finding jobs because of government policies.

“OECD countries spend at least twice as much on disability-related programs as they spend on unemployment programs,” he said.

“Disability benefits on average account for more than 10% of total social spending.”

Professor Hughes said with increasing globalization, successful injury management and labour market initiatives for people with severe injuries or disabilities now crossed borders and jurisdictions.

“It is the convergence of various disability management initiatives spread across countries that has made the biennial Disability Management forums indispensable,” he said.

Professor Hughes said the forum would include presentations on leadership, innovations, ideas and best practices, and would consider new, emerging issues. These included the impact of an ageing workforce and increases in chronic conditions among workers.

Among the 33 keynote plenary speakers on Monday are: Aart Jan de Geus, the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment, the Netherlands; Sharman Stone MP, Minister for Workplace Participation, Australia; Lex Frieden, Chair of the National Council on Disability for the USA; Franz Thonnes, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany; Brian Payne, President, Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union, Canada; and Susan Scott-Parker , CEO, Employers Forum on Disability, United Kingdom.

The Governor, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce AC will attend a welcome dinner on Sunday, October 8.

On Wednesday, October 11, the Minister for State Development, Employment and Industrial Relations John Mickel MP will hand over to Franz Thonnes, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany, representing the German Government hosts of the next IFDM forum, to be held in Berlin in 2008.

The closing address will be given by Ronan Lee MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communities, Disability Services, Senior and Youth.

Conference details: http://www.ifdm.com.au/.

Media: Further information Graham Hughes telephone 07 3365 5131, email: graham.hughes@uq.edu.au.