17 August 2006

Leading Chinese and Western scholars examine innovation in China in the latest issue of the respected academic journal Innovation: management, policy, and practice.

Edited by UQ Business School’s Professor Mark Dodgson and Professor Shulin Gu of Tsinghua University in China, the special issue examines the historical roots, strengths, weaknesses, and future challenges associated with innovation in one of the world’s most-watched economies.

Professor Dodgson said the rapid growth of China’s economy had impressed many around the world.

"Some observers are hopeful that China will manage its strong growth successfully under the new World Trade Organisation regime while others view the rise of China as a threat to the current world order,” he said.

“Earlier this year, China’s President Hu Jintao announced policies in China that would result in a new emphasis on what he called endogenous innovation and harmonious development.”

“This special issue brings together more than a dozen refereed papers to examine what this new emphasis on innovation might mean for China’s economic development and social transformation.”

The journal is structured into sections on learning and innovation, development in high-tech and traditional industries, regional innovation systems, the role of foreign direct investment, foreign technology, and absorptive capacity.

Professor Dodgson said the special issue was a must for watchers of Chinese industrial development.

To order a copy visit www.innovation-enterprise.com.

For more information, contact Cathy Stacey (07) 3365 6179 or 0434 074 372.