10 July 2006

The first graduates from the Bachelor of Nursing at The University of Queensland Ipswich campus have been announced at the campus’ annual mid-year graduation ceremony.

Forty-six students from the Bachelor of Nursing program graduated at the ceremony, which was held at the Ipswich Civic Hall on Monday, July 17.

The students were the first cohort to graduate from the Nursing program, launched at the Ipswich Campus in 2004, and graduated mid-year due to their choice to accelerate their degree and complete Nursing in two-and-a-half years instead of the traditional three.

Nursing graduate Katrina Taege said the opportunity to accelerate her degree to the shorter timeframe allowed her to complete her studies earlier and heightened her employment options.

She has accepted a position in the transition program at the Ipswich Hospital for graduate nurses, and will commence employment on July 17.

The Mt Forbes resident is well equipped to start her nursing career in Ipswich, having recently been a patient in the orthopaedic ward at the Hospital, where she had also completed clinical practice as a student nurse.

“It was a very different experience,” she said.

“It allowed me to see the other side of nursing and to understand the patient’s point of view which will no doubt assist me in my career.”

Two separate mid-year graduation ceremonies were held on July 17, due to the increased number of students graduating from study programs at the Ipswich Campus.

The Business, Economics and Law Faculty graduated at 5pm, while the Arts; Engineering, Physical Sciences and Architecture; Health Sciences and Social and Behavioural Sciences faculties hosted their graduation at 7pm.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Ipswich Professor Alan Rix said the University was pleased to present such a substantial cohort of graduates at a mid-year graduation.

“We look forward to introducing these graduates to Ipswich city, business and industry,” Professor Rix said.

Ipswich author Toni Risson also graduated with her Honours degree in Arts at the mid-year graduation.

Following the success of the launch of her first book Licking Lizards last year, Toni has recently completed its sequel, entitled Batty Business.

To listen to the graduation speeches, click here.

Media: contact Loretta Porche on 3881 1068 or mobile 0421 587 278.