23 May 2006

A pioneering University of Queensland (UQ) research project will help children and teenagers overcome anxiety.

The BRAVE Program and the BRAVE Program for Teenagers have been specially designed to teach young people the skills they need to reduce anxiety and to cope with stressful situations.

According to Psychologist Dr Caroline Donovan there are many different kinds of anxiety issues facing children and teenagers on a daily basis.

“They may get nervous about social interactions, being away from home or their parents, or they may fear specific situations like dogs or the dark,” she said.

The researchers, from the UQ branch of the Kids Coping Team, have developed an Internet-based treatment program that includes techniques such as relaxation training, identification of emotions and thoughts, positive self-talk, coping skills and strategies for gradually facing feared situations.

Parents will also participate in some sessions that are designed to help them understand their child’s anxiety and to provide tips for parenting an anxious child.

“It is unacceptable that so many sufferers of anxiety are not receiving help. Delivering this treatment via the internet is an innovative way to open up our program to those who otherwise would not receive assistance,” Dr Donovan said.

She said that anxiety was one of the most common psychological problems in children and adolescents, with around 8-10% being affected.

“Life can be extremely stressful for a young person with anxiety," Dr Donovan said.

"It can cause problems with friendships, schoolwork, family life and health. Unfortunately, young people suffering from anxiety are also at risk of developing other problems like depression and substance abuse.”

The researchers are looking for young people aged between 8 and 17 years who suffer from anxiety to be involved in this exciting and groundbreaking research.

The cost for the program is $100 and places are available throughout the year. To be eligible to take part, families must have access to a computer (PC or MAC with virtual PC) and the Internet from their home.

For more information on the child program or to register, contact Sonja March on (07) 3365 6753 or email brave@psy.uq.edu.au.

To find out more information on the teenager program or to register, contact Renee Anderson on (07) 3346 9516 or email brave4teenagers@psy.uq.edu.au. Alternatively, learn more about the BRAVE Program on www.psy.uq.edu.au/webexp/kidscoping.

Media: For more information contact Renee Anderson on (07) 3346 9516. Alternatively, learn more about the BRAVE Program at www.psy.uq.edu.au/webexp/kidscoping.