10 May 2005

The University of Queensland is playing a key role in the fight against HIV with the launch of Australia`s first public HIV Clinical Trials Register.

The web site, hosted by UQ’s School of Medicine (SOM), aims to support HIV research by providing an information conduit between scientists, clinicians, community organisations and clients.

The register provides a focal point for Queensland`s investment in HIV clinical trials and supports and facilitates collaboration between clinical sites, Mr Stephen Lambert, Co-ordinator of the SOM’s HIV Education Program said.

Mr Lambert said an increase in the number of people with HIV diagnosed in Queensland last year showed there was a clear need for “renewed effort” in the area. (Statistics released recently by Queensland Health, showed that in 2004 there was a 19.2% increase compared to the previous year.)

“The rise in HIV notifications is worrying and it is time for all involved in the HIV sector to re-energise their commitment to preventing further spread of HIV,” Mr Lambert said.

“ It is hoped that through enhancing awareness of the range and type of clinical trials undertaken in Queensland, greater participation by clients and clinicians may be encouraged, facilitating improved treatment access for individuals with HIV. “

Visit The HIV Clinical Trials Register - http://www.som.uq.edu.au/hivandhcvprojects/hiv/hiv_clinical_trials_register.shtml

For more information, please contact Stephen Lambert, telephone 0419 782 294.