10 November 2004

The University of Queensland will exchange students, research and resources with Japan’s biotech capital Osaka after signing an international agreement.

UQ’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International and Development) Professor Trevor Grigg and the Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences (OUPS) President Dr Chizuko Yanaihara, in the presence of the Osaka Governor Fusae Ohta, signed the memorandum of understanding between UQ and OUPS.

It is hoped to be the first of several international agreements for pharmacy, according to the Head of the Pharmacy School Professor Nick Shaw.

“It’s a memorandum of agreement between UQ and the Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences to develop relationships in terms of staff exchange, staff visits, student exchange and possible research links” Professor Shaw said.

“We are currently at a development stage. We do have some ideas within the school about looking at possible fourth year student placements, particularly for those students who have a good knowledge of the Japanese language, and who might go to Japan to look at Quality Use of Medicines [QUM] issues.”

He said Monday’s agreement had developed following Queensland Premier Peter Beattie’s trade and development mission to Osaka in September.

The focus on international links comes as the School of Pharmacy prepares to move across the river, from St Lucia to Dutton Park – into the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence (PACE).

The $60 million complex, next to the Princess Alexandra Hospital, is planned to be Australia’s leading centre for pharmaceutical research, education and drug commercialisation.

An economic audit by accountants KPMG forecast PACE could save lives and cut $40 million from the national health care bill if its QUM research cut public hospital drug-related admissions by 10 per cent.

PACE will be home to UQ’s School of Pharmacy, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and provide research and development space for leading biotechnology and pharmaceutical organisations.

Media: contact Professor Shaw (phone: 07 3365 3191, email: n.shaw@pharmacy.uq.edu.au) or Miguel Holland at UQ Communications (phone: 3365 2619, email: m.holland@uq.edu.au)