5 November 2004

The University of Queensland is a breast feeding friendly university, an employer of choice for women and now an Elite Athlete Friendly University.

UQ was one of 26 Australian universities endorsed by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) at a ceremony in Canberra on Wednesday.

The program recognises universities which have a range of flexible policies and practices to the academic needs of elite student athletes such as study options, enrolments, assessment and study leave.

Universities had to submit an application listing its polices and procedures which helped athletes balance sport and study.

UQ SPORT Director Kim Guerin, who represented UQ at the Canberra launch, said UQ had more than 50 elite athletes on scholarships for a range of sports

“Elite student-athletes invest considerable amount of their lives in the pursuit of sporting and academic success,” Ms Guerin said.

“The challenge confronting them is how to maintain a balance without compromising performance in either area.

“The University maintains a holistic approach to developing our future leaders by supporting them to achieve both academic and sporting success.”

She said UQ sports scholarships were sought after by elite athletes combining study with the demands of high level competition.

“We have student athletes studying and achieving academically across a range of fields including business, engineering, law, and science.”

Media: contact Ms Guerin (phone: 0413 304 805, 07 3365 6024, email: kimg@uqsport.uq.edu.au) or Miguel Holland at UQ Communications (phone: 3365 2619, email: m.holland@uq.edu.au)