4 March 2004

A University of Queensland-specific online employment service that allows students to search for jobs within their fields of study will be launched on March 8.

The new service, called UQCareerHub, complements other employment sites such as Careerone. It is designed as a “one stop shop” connecting UQ students, graduates and prospective employers for degree related employment opportunities.

The site, www.careerhub.uq.edu.au, is based on software that is now used by 21 universities in Australia and New Zealand.

Student Support Services (SSS) director Dr Maureen Burke said the new service was free for employers and would allow SSS to provide a more efficient employment service to students.

“This new system will provide a dynamic database where employers can update their own information and faculties will be able to link all their information to one place,” Dr Burke said.

SSS has been working directly with the wider University community to develop this new website.

UQCareerHub will include a number of features that people have come to expect from online employment services.

Registered students can receive weekly email updates about jobs within their field of study as well as information on upcoming career-related events at the University.

As well as employment information, the site will also advertise work experience, vocational work and industry placements.

Dr Burke said the most important thing to help ensure the sites’ success was for employers and students to register at www.careerhub.uq.edu.au.
Media: For more information, contact Mark Korst (telephone 3365 1705, email m.korst@courses.uq.edu.au) or Mary Ward (telephone 3365 1758, email m.r.ward@uq.edu.au) or David Ashkanasy (telephone 3365 2339, email d.Ashkanasy@uq.edu.au).