24 October 2003

A University of Queensland dean has been appointed president of a newly incorporated organisation representing the deans of arts, social sciences and humanities.

Executive Dean of UQ’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Professor Linda Rosenman will lead the Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH) for 2003–4.

The Council, representing the academic leadership of the creative arts, social sciences and humanities from all Australian and New Zealand universities, aims to lead and promote the arts, social sciences and humanities nationally and internationally, with special emphases on the importance of teaching; research and commercialisation; and scholarship.

It will provide a key networking role allowing the sharing of information and dissemination of best practice as well as representing the values and value of the social science and humanities disciplines and professions to government; funding agencies and donors; and the wider public.

It will also foster research, create alliances with related organisations both nationally and internationally and identify relevant issues for those involved in the arts, social sciences and humanities.

Professor Rosenman said she was keen to dispel the view that the social sciences and humanities were in crisis or in decline.

“The social sciences, humanities and creative arts enrol around one quarter of the undergraduate students at Australian and New Zealand universities,” she said.

“Through research, scholarship and creative activity, they contribute vitally to our understanding of ourselves as individuals and the shaping of our societies.

“In addition, the economic contribution made by the social sciences and humanities and creative arts is significant for our universities and our societies.

“My role as President will be to draw attention to the importance and value of the disciplines and professions that we represent to Australian and New Zealand society.”

Media: For further informatio, contact Professor Rosenman (telephone 07 3365 7969, email exec.dean@facsbs.uq.edu.au) or Joanne van Zeeland at UQ Communications (telephone 07 3365 2659).