8 November 2002

University of Queensland researcher Dr Kate O’Connor has an eye firmly on the future.

She’s looking at how government policy can proactively meet future increases in health and pension bills. And she’s investigating effective ways of boosting total savings in the national economy.

“It’s generally known that Australia could be heading for a financial crisis with an ever-growing ageing population and fewer workers to support those in retirement,” Dr O’Connor said.

“We need strategies that will boost the income of older Australians so that they can fully enjoy their later years. And people will need to take greater responsibility in planning for their retirement.”

Dr O’Connor will present her research findings at the one-day ERA (Emerging Researchers in Ageing) 2002 forum on November 25.

The one-day public event at Customs House in Brisbane’s CBD has been organised by the University’s Australasian Centre for Ageing (ACA).

ACA Director Professor Helen Bartlett said an overhaul of government policies relating to retirement income was needed if older Australians were going to do more than just survive.

“Research like this is fundamental to ensuring that society and community are prepared for economic challenges that could arise from an ageing population,” she said.

To register for ERA ($35 including light lunch, tea and coffee breaks), see the full program or contact the ERA Forum Coordinator, Australasian Centre on Ageing (telephone 07 3346 9084, fax 07 3365 7503, email aca@uq.edu.au).

Media: For more information, contact ACA (telephone 07 3346 9084 or email aca@uq.edu.au) or Beth O’Brien (telephone 07 3365 8820, email beth.obrien@uq.edu.au).