23 October 2002

The use of brain scans to detect schizophrenia, and head shape to index risk, will be among topics discussed by mental health experts at this week’s 7th Biennial Australasian Schizophrenia Conference (ASC) in Sydney.

ASC 2002, from October 24–26, will bring together scientists, clinicians, policy makers and consumers and carers under the Conference theme Leaving no stone unturned – Research reaching practice.

Special sessions for consumers and carers will run concurrently and a free public forum on Thursday evening will provide the opportunity for an expert panel to answer questions.

The Conference Convenor, University of Queensland Professor of Hospital and Community Psychiatry Stanley Catts, said the conference was an opportunity to focus the entire community on the issue of schizophrenia.

“Schizophrenia affects one per cent of the population,” he said.

“In financial terms, schizophrenia costs the Australian community at least $2.62 billion annually while costing the Australian government $1.7 billion annually. Sufferers account for high numbers of suicides in our community and we need to gain a far greater understanding of diagnosis and treatment.”

Six invited international keynote speakers will attend the conference, to be held at the Swiss Grand Hotel, Bondi Beach. New research to be presented includes:

– Could brain scans provide evidence of schizophrenia?
– Head shape and risk of psychosis
– Brain wave abnormalities in schizophrenics and their relatives
– Delayed treatment reduces chance of recovery
– Drug treatment reduces suicide risk (InterSePT Study)
– Rapid re-entry to employment is more effective than long-term rehabilitation
– Can we talk people out of psychosis?
– Estrogen protects against psychosis – are women saner than men?

The Conference is sponsored by Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd; NSW Health – Centre for Mental Health; AstraZeneca Pty Ltd; Pfizer Pty Ltd; Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd; Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Ltd; Mayne Pharma; and Lundbeck Australia Pty Ltd.

For more information, contact Jonene Penrose Wall of JPW Results (telephone 0409 315823).