19 September 2002

Third year UQ Gatton student, Zoe Kerle, has returned unharmed from a study of pack wolves in America.

Zoe spent nearly three months at Wolf Park, Indiana, studying the behaviour of the leading female wolf in the captive wolf colony.

“I spent many freezing hours monitoring the leading female’s behaviour in an attempt to understand why this wolf was particularly aggressive,” said Ms Kerle.

According to Ms Kerle the aggressive behaviour is caused by a combination of factors including genetics, individual personality, boredom and the role of being ‘top’ female wolf in the pack.

The ‘top’ female wolf (or alpha wolf) usually breeds with the alpha male wolf to produce the pack’s offspring. Breeding season is January-February with the young usually being born in April.

Zoe recalls a special moment when she was alone at East Lake.
“It’s an incredible sensation, when it’s just you and the wolves. They come up to see you, howling and greeting. It’s so calm, being alone and having the wolves interacting with each other all around you. Its almost like you are the only person on earth, amongst the wolves," said Ms Kerle.

As well as studying the wolves, Zoe also helped staff maintain the facility and was required to lead tours around the compound after only one week in the park.

“The first tour was nerve-racking but by the end of my placement I really liked doing the tours. I got to know the wolves so well that it was hard to leave,” said Ms Kerle.

“Overall, it was a great learning experience, personally and academically. I can’t wait to go back.”

Zoe’s study was a part of her Environmental Management degree known as Industry Placement. This requires students to undertake 16 weeks of structured work experience.

Industrial Placement Coordinator, UQ Gatton lecturer Greg Siepen, said that placements provide valuable learning experiences and allow students to learn practical, real-life skills.

“They help the students build networks for future careers and make and them very employable upon graduation,” said Mr. Siepen.

“Although all students undertake industrial placement, Zoe was fortunate to have such an incredible experience.”

Zoe is studying a Bachelor of Environmental Management at UQ Gatton and is specialising in Natural Systems and Wildlife.

For more information contact Greg Siepen on (07) 54601 021 or Anthony Smith on 0409 265587