12 March 2002

The Wesley Hospital and The University of Queensland have strengthened their commitment to Queensland patients and the local medical fraternity, with the official opening of a new state-of-the-art clinical and research facility today.

Queensland Minister for Health, the Hon. Wendy Edmond, officially opened The Wesley Hospital University of Queensland Centre for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and The Wesley Vascular Centre on The Wesley campus.

The Wesley Hospital provides comprehensive facilities for cardiovascular care, which incorporates the brand new MRI Centre, offering Cardiac MRI and advanced stroke research, The Wesley Vascular Centre which is a first for Queensland, and radiology.

General Manager of The Wesley Hospital, Dr Jennifer King, said the new facility will position the Hospital at the forefront of cardiac, vascular and stroke treatment in the State.

“The Wesley Hospital set out to increase the availability and quality of clinical and research services for Queenslanders” Dr King said.

“By working in partnership with the University of Queensland, Southernex and some of Australia’s leading medical and research practitioners, we have achieved this and much more.”

University of Queensland Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield said The Wesley has a national reputation for high quality patient care, while the University’s Centre for Magnetic Resonance is responsible for technologies incorporated in 70% of recently installed magnetic resonance systems produced in the international $3 billion annual market.

“UQ researches, led by Centre Director Professor David Doddrell have developed and patented innovative techniques to enhance image quality and reduce distortion in magnetic resonance,” Professor Greenfield said.

The new Centre provides Queensland patients with greater access to specialist imaging technology and non-invasive treatment techniques, offers unparalleled prevention and education programs, and is expected to open up exciting research opportunities in a range of medical fields.

“A 1.5T Siemens MRI Scanner has already been installed on site, allowing clinicians to take highly accurate and clear cardiac, orthopaedic and brain images,” Dr King said.

“This is a safe, non-invasive and detailed way of assessing heart structure and function, and is commonly used throughout the United States and Europe for treatment and research purposes,” she said. “The scanner will also allow us to introduce new imaging techniques especially to detect breast and prostate cancer.”

The Centre also encompasses a dedicated vascular centre, which is fitted with the very latest vascular equipment and facilities to allow the Hospital to offer a complete cardiovascular service.

And the installation of Australia’s first 4T whole-body scanner in May will further enhance the Centre’s research capabilities, particularly relating to neurological conditions such as stroke and Parkinson’s Disease.

“With this technology at our fingertips, the Wesley will remain at the ‘cutting edge’ of patient treatment and innovation, and disease prevention and research,” Dr King said.

Media: for more information contact Peter McCutcheon at UQ Communications on 07 3365 1088