8 February 2002

The University of Queensland`s governing Senate last night (February 7) approved changes to the titles of members of Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay`s executive group.

Senate reinstated the title Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and changed the titles of two Pro-Vice-Chancellors to Deputy Vice-Chancellors in line with previous Senate decisions.

It also changed the titles used by five members of the University’s executive group when representing the University in international jurisdictions, other than Great Britain.

Chancellor Sir Llewellyn Edwards said the changes were of title only, and not of personnel. They continued the current small senior executive now comprising a Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, three Deputy Vice-Chancellors, and a Secretary and Registrar, all with distinct responsibilities, reporting to the Vice-Chancellor.

“The title changes will provide clarity, particularly in international jurisdictions,” he said.

“In 1996, Senate approved the Vice-Chancellor’s use of the title Vice-Chancellor and President for overseas/international use, recognising the well-known confusion in, especially North America, Asia and parts of Western Europe over the designation Vice-Chancellor.

“It is already the case in an increasing number of Australian Universities that Vice-Chancellors are designated Vice-Chancellor and President (or Vice-Chancellor and Principal) within Australia as well as internationally.”

The UQ executive reporting to Professor Hay comprises:

Professor Paul Greenfield – Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and, for international use, Senior Vice-President and Provost;

Professor Trevor Grigg, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International and Development) and for international use, — Vice-President (International and Development);

Professor Margaret Gardner — Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and, for international use, Vice-President (Academic);

Professor David Siddle — Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and, for international use, Vice-President (Research); and

Mr Douglas Porter — Secretary and Registrar and, for international use, — Vice-President (Administration and Finance).

For further information, contact Shane Rodgers at UQ Communications, telephone 07 3365 6060.