19 February 2002

The number of students studying undergraduate programs at The University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus has increased for the second year running.

The news that the Campus will fill its quota comes as the second round of University offers for study in 2002 comes to a close.

According to Campus Manager, Stephen Weller, the University was expecting a strong result after the Campus experienced an increase in the number of people applying to enter UQ Gatton programs at the end of last year.

“We have been working hard over the last couple of years positioning the Campus for the future and it’s rewarding to see that as a result not only has the number of students increased but also the quality of those students” said Mr Weller.

The OP scores required by high school students to enter programs at UQ Gatton in 2002 have also increased with all three and four year Bachelor degrees improving by one point and the two year Diplomas improving by two points.

The Campus is in the final stages of a $13 million dollar upgrade to facilities that has included the addition of new laboratories, administration buildings and a dairy.

“Everything is coming together and we are well on track to our goal of strengthening the Campus’ already strong reputation as a centre of excellence in our disciplines,” said Mr Weller.

UQ Gatton offers degrees, diplomas and certificates in range of areas including agribusiness, agriculture, animal studies, horticulture and environmental management.

For more information, contact Gatton Campus Manager Stephen Weller (telephone 07 54601 512) or Anthony Smith (mobile 0409 265 587).