9 May 2001

National Science Week has a major new festival this year: "Brainwaves" at Brisbane's Southbank Parklands brings science to the people with activities, presentations, demonstrations and competitions. Running from Thursday May 10 to Sunday May 13, the Brainwaves Festival focuses on the importance of science in the modern world while keeping it fun and interesting.

"Brainwaves provides a focus for National Science Week activities in Brisbane and the collaboration between scientific, government and community organisations," Festival organiser Jackie Mergard said.

"A lot of science is hidden. This is an opportunity for people to see the science in their everyday lives."

The Brainwaves Festival, organised by The University of Queensland, is sponsored by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and the Queensland Government.

Major exhibits will showcase the work of universities, government departments, Cooperative Research Centres, community groups and other science agencies. Some highlights of the festival include:

Daytime Activities

All-day activities (Thurs-Sun):
Brainwave maths and science self-guided trails - Explore the science and maths of Southbank
Gene Hijinx and Biotech Babble - Biotechnology activities
Food and Fibre science display - From the Department of Primary Industries
Forensics display (Friday only) - From the Queensland Police Forensic Services Branch
Science on the Rocks - Have your favourite rocks identified by a geologist
What Bug Is That? - Queensland Museum display and have your creepy critter identified
Robotics displays - International award winning robots

Presentations from 9.30am to 3pm (Thurs/Fri) or 6pm (Sat/Sun) include: Thursday, May 10: International Robocup Challenge, Solar Model Challenge, "What Genes are in My Beans?", Waterbug Bingo, "Sport Science at the Paralympic Games", "The World of Reptiles", Science Magic, "Is an Alien Watching Us?", science shows

Friday, May 11: Genethix Challenge, "Science in Sexual Health", Bioprospecting, "Genophobia: Genetically Modified Food", "Life on Mars", "UV or not UV-Skin Cancer Epidemiology", "The Future of Computing", science shows

Saturday, May 12: "Cricket Balls, Tropical Cyclones and Island Wakes", "Protecting our Beaches and Waterways", "You Don't Believe Used Car Dealers So Why Do You Believe Quacks?", "Y am I not U-Genetic Twin Studies", "We Are What We Think", "Is Science One Step Ahead of Disease?", science shows

Sunday, May 13: "Weedbusters-How Science Can Help", "Rocks that Grow, Carnivorous Skippy and Trees of Antarctica", "Celestial Navigation-How the Great Seafarers Knew Where They Were", "The Art of Speaking Two Languages", "Evolution of Biological Diversity", science shows

Evening Events

Science in the Pub: "This won't hurt a bit - what price for immunisation?"
7pm-9pm, Thurs, May 10, Terminus Hotel, South Brisbane Friday Night Science Riot
Adam Spencer's (JJJ, Quantum, FAQ) science routine from the Melbourne Comedy Festival. Support act: Professor Richard Arculus
7pm-9pm, Fri, May 11, Southbank Piazza Star Gazing
Public astronomy evening
5.30pm-8.30pm, Sat, May 12, Breaka beach, Southbank

See a full program at http://local.abc.net.au/qld/nsweek/brainwave.htm or contact Jackie Mergard (telephone 07 3365 3634, email: j.mergard@epsa.uq.edu.au) for further details.