4 August 2000

Single and married people without children are wanted to take part in a collaborative University of Queensland/Griffith University study.

As part of an ongoing research project, Dr Judy Feeney, senior lecturer in UQ's School of Psychology, and Jeff Miller, associate lecturer at the School of Management, Griffith University, are running a series of studies investigating some non-traditional family forms.

In particular, their research is exploring the lives of men and women who are currently single, as well as the lives of married people who do not have children. Some studies have already been completed to look at these issues in close detail, while others are currently underway.

"Traditionally, people have been expected to be ?settling down' and have a family by their early or mid-twenties. However, these days, relationships and family forms are changing, and alternatives to marriage and the traditional family are becoming more popular," the researchers said.

"For example, many people are choosing not to marry, while others are choosing not to be involved in relationships at all. Furthermore, many people are finding themselves single again after the break up of a marriage or other committed relationship. Moreover, many of those who do decide to marry are choosing not to have children or are having children later in life.

"In addition to these changing demographics, the mass media is also placing greater emphasis on these non-traditional relationships and families. Popular television shows like Friends, Ally McBeal and Sex and the City build stories around the relationship and other life experiences of characters who do not fit into the traditionally-expected roles.

"Although family forms are changing, relatively little is known about what these non-traditional experiences are really like. We hope this research project will shed light on this topic."

The researchers are seeking the help of participants who are:

o Single, at least 25 years old, without children (including people not currently married, engaged, living in a defacto relationship or otherwise involved in a serious, committed relationship. Divorced and separated people are welcome to participate).
o Legally married, without children.

Participation involves filling in a one hour questionnaire which can be sent to volunteers to complete in their own homes.. The questionnaire covers such topics as beliefs about relationships, social support and support networks, family history information, the desire to have children and to be a parent, and reasons for current relationship/family status.

People wishing to participate, or requiring more information can contact Jeff Miller (3875 7356) or Dr Judy Feeney (3365 6412).