21 August 2000

A medical, business and community leader in the Ipswich region has been appointed the new chair of the Friends of UQ Ipswich.

Dr Hugh Bartholomeusz has taken over the role from inaugural chair Carolyn Anderson, formerly head of Ipswich Girls Grammar, who has taken up a position as a school principal in Kew, Victoria.

Dr Bartholomeusz said he believed the UQ Ipswich campus ranked with the development of the Global Arts Link and Global Information Link as major new drawcards for the city.

"Ipswich has always been one of Queensland's major cities, and now it is diversifying from its original history as a major coal producer, rail centre and woollen manufacturer, into new smart economy areas," he said.

"As a University of Queensland graduate myself, I have a special affinity for University things. I see the importance of UQ alumni in this city supporting their university, and the development of this new campus.

"The range of courses being offered, including electronic commerce, information environments and the like,= are the way of the future.

"It is important from a corporate point of view for all major organisations in Ipswich to be involved with the University, to use its wonderful facilities and draw on its expertise.

"The University is a wonderful community facility and I hope to work closely with campus manager Warren Kerswill to further open it up for community use. The students attending the campus now will be the community leaders of tomorrow. "

Dr Bartholomeusz said by joining the Friends of UQ Ipswich, individuals and organisations could be informed about the development and activities of the University on the UQ's state-of-the art Ipswich campus.

Membership is free to individuals and community groups, and corporate membership ($25 per year) is available to organisations in the Ipswich region.

Dr Bartholmeusz, who obtained his medical degrees at The University of Queensland in 1976, undertook further advanced surgical training in plastic surgery at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Royal Brisbane Hospital and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide. He established a private specialist practice in Ipswich in 1985 and was appointed as a visiting plastic surgeon to the Ipswich General Hospital that year.

He has been involved in many local community activities, serving as a past chair of the Medical Executive Committee and a member of the Board of Advice of St Andrew's Hospital Ipswich, and chair of the National Trust Restoration Committee for St Paul's Anglican Church. He has chaired the Council of West Moreton Anglican College since 1993.

Dr Bartholmeusz takes great pride in his military experience, serving as a commissioned officer in the Royal Australian Air Force since 1971. He currently holds the rank of Group Captain and is a consultant plastic surgeon to the Director General Defence Health Services. He has been involved with the Air Training Corps for more than 33 years and served as Commanding Officer of the Queensland Squadron Air Training Corps from 1990-1995. He is currently secretary of the National Council of the Air Training Corps and is the immediate past World President of the International Air Cadet Exchange Association. He has served as president of the Ipswich/Amberley Support Group.

Since 1995 Dr Bartholmeusz has been CEO of Tri Rhosen Day Hospital, the first multi-disciplinary freestanding Day Hospital in the Ipswich and West Moreton Region. He is Vice-President of the Australasian Day Surgery Association and President of the Queensland Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.

His hobbies include tennis, cricket, golf and fishing. Dr Bartholomeusz and his wife Helga have three children and live in Ipswich.

For further information about joining the Friends of UQ Ipswich, contact Warren Kerswill at 3831 1011.

Media: For further information, contact Dr Hugh Bartholomeusz, telephone 07 3202 4744.