7 July 2000

The University of Queensland's School of Psychology has finalised a new twinning arrangement for staff and student exchanges and research collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia's Faculty of Psychology.

This venture will significantly enhance the psychology programs of both institutions, according to UQ's Executive Dean of Social and Behavioural Sciences Professor Linda Rosenman.

"UQ has the top School of Psychology in Australia, whilst UI is the leading university in Indonesia with an excellent Psychology Faculty," she said.

In August 2000, up to 40 twinning students will undertake the first three semesters of the program in Indonesia, arriving at Brisbane's UQ in February 2002. After a further two years of study in Australia these students will then undertake a final semester in Indonesia.

Students will graduate from UQ with a BA (Psychology) and with a sarjana psikologi from UI, which is the necessary qualification for practice as a psychologist in Indonesia. Options of further study or research at UQ will lie ahead of students in the twinning program.

UQ academics Professor Tian Oei and Dr John McLean recently visited Indonesia with Professor Debbie Terry, Head, School of Psychology to finalise the twinning arrangements.

Professor Terry said the School of Psychology was delighted that this association with one of Asia's most prestigious universities had now been finalised.

"UI has a large, very comprehensive Faculty of Psychology that will offer an enhanced international focus to psychology study at UQ and help to facilitate research links between the two institutions," she said.

Media: Further information, UQ Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Marketing and Communications 07 3365 8820.

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