5 November 1999

External tertiary studies prove popular with students

The University of Queensland Gatton's external studies program is proving popular with mature age students seeking opportunities for career development.

Students can undertake full diploma, bachelor and postgraduate courses in external study mode. Offers of places in the quota for each course are made on the basis of academic merit with applications being processed through QTAC.

External study courses available through the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science include eight diploma of applied science courses - in agronomy, animal production, equine studies, forestry, horticulture, marine resources, nature conservation, and wilderness reserves and wildlife.

The Faculty also offers the bachelor of applied science degree externally in five specialisations - animal studies, crops and rangelands, environmental and production horticulture, environmental tourism and protected area management.

Subject matter in complete study packages is mailed to students. Packages can include a variety of media - print, audio, video and CD-Rom.

Applicants who wish to study in a particular area of interest without seeking entry to an accredited course are invited to consider UQ Gatton's single subject studies program.

The program allows people to purchase individual subjects which are offered externally as part of fully accredited diploma and bachelor of applied science courses without enrolling in the full program.

Director of Studies in the University's Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science Dr. Len Bahnisch said the program gave students the chance to explore areas of interest or try their skills at tertiary external study.

People undertaking Single Subject Study courses do not have to meet any minimum entry requirements, but are encouraged to gain maximum benefit by participating fully in subjects. This includes completing assignments, sitting exams and attending residential schools if required.

Dr. Bahnisch said if students satisfactorily completed subjects, they received a "statement of attainment" at the end of semester. They could also use these studies to strengthen their case for formal admission to tertiary courses within the Faculty and then gain credit if later admitted into diploma or degree programs.

Although the QTAC application deadline has passed, late applications can be lodged (a late fee applies) and there is still the opportunity for those who have already lodged their QTAC applications to change course preferences.

Further information is available from the External Studies Unit at the UQ Gatton, Q4345, telephone 0754 601 220 or from the Faculty enquiries officer on telephone 1800 642 093.