5 November 1999

Certificate entry available into tertiary study

Applications are still open for certificate study in the University of Queensland's Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science.

The Faculty offers certificate courses in agriculture, animal husbandry and horticulture.

The two-year courses, which are exempt from the Higher Education Contribution Scheme, are offered at UQ Gatton.

On completion, students can articulate into diploma level courses with advanced standing (one year of credit towards the relevant diploma).

The courses prepare graduates for a wide range of employment opportunities. These include working on properties; as technicians in government departments and industry; as jackeroos/jilleroos; working in the nursery industry; floriculture; parks and recreations; and in technical sales and service positions in agribusiness firms, stock feed companies and livestock agencies.

Faculty Director of Studies Dr Len Bahnisch said students could start certificate studies after they had completed Year 10, although many commenced after Year 12. Mature age entry was also available to people over the age of 21 who had satisfactorily completed Year 10.

"Certificate courses are an ideal way for those who learn by practical hands-on experience to increase their confidence and employment prospects," he said.

"Many students find these courses a valuable learning experience and are motivated to continue to further study."

The courses have approximately 50 percent theory and 50 percent practice components. Further practical experience is gained through 30 days working on production enterprises during vacations. A popular feature is that in second year, students also have the opportunity to undertake practical work at the RNA Exhibition in Brisbane.

As part of their studies, students obtain tractor operator and senior first aid certificates.

Dr Bahnisch said the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre did not handle enrolments in certificate courses, and enquiries should be made directly to the Faculty as soon as possible.

Orientation for residential students is Sunday, February 6, 2000, and for non-residential students, Thursday, February 10, 2000.

For further information, contact the Faculty enquiries officer, on telephone 1800 642 093.