12 April 1999

UQ/Rabobank launches unique executive development program for top primary producers

One of the world's largest agribusiness banks, Rabobank, and Australia's 1998-99 University of the Year, the University of Queensland, today launched what is believed to be the first Australasian executive development program for primary producers.

Sponsored by Wesfarmers Dalgety Limited, the new program will be the first in the region to focus specifically on strategy and business management at the production end of the food chain.

At a Brisbane function, the Managing Director Primary Industry Bank of Australia Limited (PIBA) and Rabobank, Mr Bev Walters, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Queensland Professor John Hay outlined the Rabobank/University of Queensland Executive Development Program which will be marketed to successful primary producers in Australia and New Zealand.

Mr Walters said: "Many producers have already developed superior skills in the production and marketing of their commodities."

"The program is designed to enhance these skills through a range of subjects including strategic planning, financial management, value chain management, negotiation strategy, human resource management, and innovation and technology. An important course objective is to provide a practical application of the subjects studied.

"We are particularly pleased to initiate a program which allows Rabobank and PIBA to demonstrate our understanding of the relationship between the farm and its external environment and the significant impact that this has on the managerial skills required of globally competitive farmers."

Conducted in partnership with the University of Queensland, participants in the program will reap the benefits of a university association. The University of Queensland is a recognised leader among Australia's 37 universities. Committed to the pursuit of excellence in agricultural studies, the University of Queensland is well known for its promotion of sustainable agriculture.

Professor Hay said agricultural production was an important part of the Australian economy, with the gross value of Australian farm production forecast at A$28 billion for 1998-99.

"To be competitive in a global market requires more than improved production methods. It also demands first-class business acumen, smart thinking, clever strategies, and being at the forefront of technology and business practices", Professor Hay said.

"The University's involvement in the program will allow us to share innovative teaching and research with high net-worth individuals wishing to develop the markets of tomorrow."

The sponsorship of the program by Wesfarmers Dalgety Limited has been welcomed by the Rabobank Group and the University of Queensland.

Wesfarmers Dalgety Managing Director Richard Goyder said the company's decision to support the program was based on the excellence of the program and Wesfarmers Dalgety's commitment to the development of Australian agriculture.

"To capture future opportunities in a global market, we need to develop the business skills of farmers. The program provides a unique opportunity for a number of professional farmers to develop their skills in a stimulating learning environment," Mr Goyder said.

The Rabobank/University of Queensland Executive Development Program for Primary Producers will be conducted in Sydney from October 17-22 and for a further week in October 2000. The program will draw on both international and national academic and industry expertise, including that of Professor John Morris, Visiting Professor of Food Industry Management from London University, who has accepted the role of program director.

Primary producers wishing to obtain an application form should contact Janine Potter at Rabobank in Sydney on 612 9223 9999. Applications must be received by Friday, June 4.

For further information about this press release, contact:
Anne Lenehan
Manager Public Relations
Rabobank Group
02 9234 4339

Associate Professor Tony Dunne
School of Natural and Rural Systems Management
The University of Queensland
07 5460 1332

David Coombes
Public Affairs and Advertising Manager
Wesfarmers Dalgety
02 9335 6282 or 0408 462 514