19 October 1998

UQ researchers evaluate scheme for homeless people

University of Queensland researchers have been awarded a $250,000 contract to evaluate Commonwealth Government arrangements for services to the homeless.

In the next few weeks, providers of these services will be consulted as part of the evaluation of the Federal Government's Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP III) for homeless people. The program is delivered as a jointly-funded Commonwealth and State initiative.

The Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services has awarded the contract to conduct the national evaluation.

The SAAP scheme targets groups including youth (the largest group, comprising 20 percent of the homeless), single men and women, people escaping domestic violence, older men, Aboriginal people and people from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Each SAAP runs for five years, and at the end of four years is evaluated before a new SAAP scheme is negotiated.

A multi-disciplinary research team from the University's Social and Economic Research Centre and the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute expects to report to the Federal Government by November.

Research officer Andrea Lanyon said the number of homeless people in Australia was estimated at 100,000, and growing.

"People tend to think of homelessness in terms of the visible stereotypes of people sleeping rough on park benches, or ?bag people', but a more diverse group is experiencing housing stress," she said.

"Homelessness is not solely a housing issue, but a set of complex situations.

"The hidden homeless include women escaping violent situations, and the mentally ill unable to cope after de-institutionalisation.

"Urban renewal programs also have led to declining stocks of affordable accommodation (such as boarding houses) for people on low incomes. Their options are diminishing."

Research team member John Johnston said researchers would visit all capital cities and several major regional centres from November 9 to December 13. Visits include Sydney, Dubbo, Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns, Katherine, Darwin, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne and Canberra.

Mr Johnston said the evaluation would assess the extent to which the overall implementation of SAAP III had successfully provided transitional supported accommodation and related support services to homeless people.

Research team members include: Emeritus Professor John Western, Ms Lanyon and John Johnston of the Social and Economic Research Centre; Professor Bob Stimson of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Unit; Professor Ian O'Connor of the University's School of Social Work and Social Policy; and Dr Pat Mullins of the University's Anthropology and Sociology Department.

Services providers and their clients who wish to participate in the consultations can contact Jill Pappos (telephone 07 3365 8247).

For further information, contact Mr Johnston 07 3365 6663. A discussion paper is available for interested journalists.