2 October 1998

University of Queensland steps up Year 2000 project

The University of Queensland has stepped up its Year 2000 project with the establishment last month of a co-ordinator role with a University-wide focus.

Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Ted Brown said the appointment of Neil Falconer to the role would ensure a co-ordinated and consistent methodology across the University for dealing with the issues associated with the year 2000.

In establishing the Year 2000 co-ordinator role, Professor Brown said budget estimates had been approved for three years from 1998 to 2000 for central co-ordination, total network infrastructure, site licensing of testing tools, testing systems and equipment and the use of external consultants.

The Prentice Centre would help departments ensure their network servers were Year 2000 compliant as well as reviewing the University's network infrastructure, he said.

The Centre and the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department would be consulted on the development of methodology and standards - including testing software - and on the availability of appropriate training courses in Year 2000 compliance procedures.

It is planned that at least one staff member from each department would receive training in Year 2000 compliance procedures.

"The executive deans, University Librarian and heads of academic support services will be responsible for ensuring year 2000 readiness in areas under their control," Professor Brown said.

"The Secretary and Registrar will continue to be responsible for Year 2000 compliance for central as well as departmental administrative systems."

Professor Brown said external consultant resources would be "called upon as needed" to check academic systems with embedded computers and to carry out a validity check on progress of Year 2000 readiness.

For further information contact Neil Falconer, Year 2000 co-ordinator (telephone 3365 1205 or email n.falconer@mailbox.uq.edu.au).