16 February 1998

The director of the hit movie Babe will address students as part of a new media studies major at the University of Queensland.

Arts Faculty students can now major in media studies potentially leading to jobs in cultural industries which employ more than 200,000 Australians and generate more than $14 billion a year in revenue.

The interdisciplinary major involves completion of a one-semester, first-year subject entitled Australian Media Cultures, co-ordinated by English Department lecturer Dr Liz Ferrier.

Students can structure their bachelor of arts degree drawing on approved media studies-related subjects in a range of departments including English, Government, History, Anthropology and Sociology, Art History, Journalism and some language departments.

'The cultural industries in Australia generate more revenue per annum than the wheat, wool and beef industries combined," Dr Ferrier said.

'These industries are potential employers of graduates. The University of Queensland has some of the best academics in the media studies field such as Professor Graeme Turner, Dr Frances Bonner and Dr David Marshall and the introductory subject will involve a series of excellent guest speakers."

Speakers include Babe director Chris Noonan, former ABC Radio announcer Anna Reynolds, Brisbane Extra Executive Producer Katherine Cruise and The Courier Mail arts editor Sandra McLean. A prominent Queensland politician and a ratings expert from A.C. Nielsen Ratings Company will also deliver talks to students.

'In the introductory subject, students will receive a lot of information about print, film, television, radio and advertising including production details and history," Dr Ferrier said. For more information, telephone 07 3365 1412.

For more information, contact Dr Ferrier (telephone 07 3365 3196).