3 November 1997

The University of Queensland has appointed several key consultants for stage one of construction of the University's Ipswich campus, which will open for the first student intake in February 1999.

They include the DEM group consortium; Gutteridge Haskins and Davey Pty Ltd (civil, hydraulics and wet fire services engineers); MultiTech Solutions Pty Ltd (mechanical, electrical, dry fire and lift services engineers); Rawlinsons (quantity surveyors) and McWilliams Consulting Engineers (structural engineers).

The DEM consortium comprises Devine Erby Mazlin (architects and planners); Landscan Pty Ltd (landscape architects); Geoffrey Walker (urban design and planning); and Ipswich-based Buchanan Architects (specialist heritage consultants).

University Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Trevor Grigg said the appointment of key consultants was a milestone in the development of the Ipswich campus.

The DEM group consortium had commenced surveying existing buildings.

'Information for site planning is well under way with a preliminary site plan to be finalised by November,' Professor Grigg said.

'Proposed master plans and picture boards will be submitted to a meeting of the University Senate's Buildings and Grounds Committee in early November, and if approved, are likely to be referred to the University's December Senate meeting.

'The first stage of the development for the initial intake of 580 students in February 1999 will adaptively re-use existing buildings in the northern sector.

'The predominant teaching space planned for Ipswich will consist of small to medium flexible teaching areas to meet the needs of small-group, self-paced learning.'

He said planning for service facilities at the new campus had also begun. Initial concepts for administrative, library and other student support services were being developed.

For further information, contact Professor Grigg, telephone 07 3365 7366.