10 November 1997

Achievement Award in Continuing Education from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Professor Darveniza, of the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, is well-known for his work in lightning protection, including the recent development of a portable lightning protection device aimed at saving lives and equipment.

Announcing the award, IEEE vice-president Educational Activities Jerry Yeargan said Professor Darveniza had made 'exemplary and sustained contributions to continuing education'.

Professor Darveniza is a Fellow of IEEE and of both the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and the Australian Institute of Engineers. In 1995, he received the IEEE Education Activities Board Meritorious Service Citation for his contributions to its Recognised Educational Program Committee.

Professor Darveniza joined the University of Queensland in 1959 and in 1980 was awarded a personal chair in electrical engineering. His research interests include lightning protection, high voltage and insulation engineering, electrical overstress protection of electrical and electronic equipment, and engineering education.

The IEEE awards were presented in Pittsburgh, USA, on November 8 at the annual Frontiers in Education conference.

For information contact Professor Darveniza on (07) 3365 3775 (wk), (07) 3378 4610 (hm) or 0411 474 486. Professor Darveniza is in the United States to receive his award and will return on November 14.