25 September 1997

The University campus will come alive with a cultural extravaganza planned around this year's Hispanic Fiesta to celebrate the National Day of Spain on October 12.

The University's co-ordinator of Spanish Dr Alfredo Martinez-Exposito said the program was both 'fun and educational'.

'The key idea is to celebrate the National Day of Spain - this year is the 505th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America,' he said.

'Also, for the first time this year a writing competition has been organised for school students (Grades 10 to 12) on any topic.'

Dr Martinez-Exposito said the celebrations opened with 'A Taste of Spanish' demonstration on October 8, for Grade10-12 students studying Spanish in south-east Queensland.

The demonstration would involve interactive classroom activities as well as hands-on experience with the University's multimedia and language laboratory facilities, he said.

Another highlight of the program included a public lecture on Garcia Lorca at the University on October 10. Next year marks a century since the Spanish poet's birth.

Dr Martinez-Exposito said the Embassy of Spain had invited a world-class scholar, Maria Clementa Millan from the National University of Distance Education in Spain, to deliver a series of lectures on Lorca at major universities in Australia and New Zealand.

Celebrations end with the annual Hispanic Fiesta, organised by the Hispanic Association of Independent Schools of Queensland in collaboration with the University.

The Fiesta will feature performances of drama and dance, including the tango, salsa and flamenco styles at Mayne Hall from 3-5pm on October 22.

For more information contact Dr Alfredo Martinez-Exposito
(telephone 07 3365 1417)