1 August 1997

For the third year in a row University of Queensland graduates under the age of 25 and available for full-time work have achieved the highest employment rate in Australia.

In nine fields, the employment rate for these 1995 graduates was 100 percent.

The Graduate Careers Council of Australia's Graduate Destination Survey 1996 found the percentage of University of Queensland young graduates in full-time employment was higher than both the Queensland and national averages.

The survey, which was completed by 88.8 percent of University of Queensland graduates, was carried out within four months of graduation.

The fields with the 100 percent employment figures were education (courses leading to first professional teaching qualifications), education (post-initial teaching qualification courses), pharmacy, medicine, chemical engineering, law (other than law degree courses leading to professional qualification), physical sciences, geology and veterinary science.

The survey found 86.7 percent of graduates under the age of 25 available for full-time employment were employed including 86 percent of females and 87.6 percent of males.

Queensland's average for graduates under the age of 25 was 81.5 percent while the national average was 78.4 percent.

Other fields providing full-time employment for above 90 percent of graduates available for full-time work included architecture (92.9), civil engineering (91.9), electronics and computer engineering (95.5), mining engineering (97.5), dentistry (96.9), rehabilitation (95.5) and law (97.4).

The median starting salary for the University's graduates, $30,000 was also higher than both the Queensland and national medians of $28,000.

The highest median starting salaries were dentistry $50,000, medicine $42,000, mining engineering $41,800 and chemical engineering $33,800.

In a survey of 'all ages' available for full-time work, the University's graduates found 100 percent full-time employment in six fields including education (post, other), chemical engineering, pharmacy, medicine, law (other) and geology.

The full-time employment rate for University of Queensland graduates of all ages available for full-time employment, 86.9 percent, was again above the Queensland average of 83.7 percent and the national average, 80.6 percent.

The median starting salary was $30,000 compared to a State and national average of $29,000 while the highest wages went to graduates from dentistry, $48,000, medicine, $45,000 and mining engineering, $41,600.

Vice-Chancellor Professor John Hay said the survey showed that on the basis of graduate employment results alone the University provided Queenslanders, in their own state, with educational opportunities second to none in Australia.

'While a degree is about more than just obtaining employment, it is rewarding for graduates to know there are direct and early employment benefits from their studies as well as the aquisition of life-long skills,' he said.