2 May 1997

Visitors to the University of Queensland's Expo Uni on May 17 and May 18 will have the chance to express their opinions on whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 years.

Expo Uni, a free event which showcases the University's teaching and research, will be held at the University's St Lucia campus from noon to 5pm both days.

The Government Department will run a polling booth for visitors in room 208, Michie Building, St Lucia. Before casting their votes, visitors will have the chance to read arguments for and against the reduction of the voting age.

Department head Associate Professor Paul Boreham said University academics had divided opinions on the issue.

He said a different colored ballot paper would be used to record the votes of those under the present voting age of 18.

'This way we will be able to see whether teenagers who are presently denied the right to vote actually want it,' he said.

'We will also be able to see whether those already able to vote in State and Federal elections take a different view from teenagers whom the law presently prevents from voting.'

Dr Boreham said he hoped that many of the 50,000 visitors expected to attend Expo Uni would take part in the referendum.

'Providing enough people vote, the Department's referendum should prove an interesting test of public opinion,' he said.

Referendum results will be counted and released to Brisbane media on Wednesday, May 21.

Dr Boreham said that in holding a referendum and publicising its results, the Government Department aimed to promote a wider public understanding of the entitlement to vote in Australian elections, and the responsibility this entailed.

Attached are the cases for, and against, prepared by Government Department academics Dr Barbara Sullivan and Dr Geoff Dow.

The Government Department's display will be one of hundreds of attractions at Expo Uni. Activities will also include science shows, music, theatre, tours and interactive displays. The Student Union will provide extra catering at the University's refectories. There will be a coffee shop and a barbecue with international foods in the Great Court. Free parking is available.

Details about Expo Uni are now available on the University's World Wide Web page (http://www.uq.edu.au/expouni).

For further information about the referendum, contact Dr Ian Ward at the Government Department, telephone 07 3365 2662.