Mental Health Champions Network

mental health champions network logo

Mental Health Champions are trained UQ staff members who can provide support and referral information about mental health and wellbeing. 

Mental Health Champions lead the creation of a culture that promotes and encourages a respectful, destigmatising and supportive approach to the proactive management of mental health and wellbeing. They are staff who have:

  • an interest in promoting early identification, referral and help-seeking behaviour for mental health concerns
  • a commitment to increasing awareness of UQ and external mental health services 
  • a desire to get involved with mental health and wellbeing events and initiatives 
  • the ability to listen with sensitivity and without judgement. 

You can ask Mental Health Champions about:

  • support services provided by UQ and external organisations
  • events and initiatives
  • ways to promote mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health Champions will:

  • keep up to date with UQ and external mental health support services
  • refer staff and students to mental health support services as needed
  • be discreet and respect the privacy of people seeking support and information
  • maintain a commitment to understanding and promoting mental health and wellbeing
  • update the University about potential barriers or ways to benefit mental health and wellbeing
  • participate in regular Community of Practice sessions for networking and training
  • raise awareness on campus about initiatives, events, services and ways to promote mental health
  • act as a role model by encouraging a culture that respects diversity, values inclusiveness and reduces stigma and discrimination.

Mental Health Champions will not:

  • act as a counsellor or emergency service
  • engage in advocacy on behalf of an individual
  • undertake mediation or investigation.

Applying to be a staff champion

Before you apply

To be eligible to become a Mental Health Champion, you need to:

To enrol in the pre-requisite training, register through Learning on Workday.

Apply to become a Mental Health Champion

If you meet the eligibility criteria, email the Mental Health Champion Network coordination team at to apply.

Include the following information in your email:

  • your area of work
  • primary campus
  • the date you completed the Mental Health Champions Network introductory session
  • a copy of your mental health first aid training certificate.
  • an email with your Managers endorsement for you to become a Champion. 

You will be advised once your application has been successful and your name, campus and email address will be added to the list of Mental Health Champions on the Mental Health Champions Network website.  

If you have any questions about the Mental Health Champions Network, or how to apply, email



Mental health first aid training

Free mental health first aid training is available at all UQ campuses for staff and students interested in becoming a Mental Health Champion. A two-day in-person workshop must be attended over consecurtive or non-consecutive days. For more information, including available dates and times, please take a look at the applicable links below:

Staff MHFA training


Mental Health Champions are 'mental health first aid' trained UQ staff members who can provide confidential, non-discriminatory support and referral information about mental health and wellbeing. 

Find a Mental Health Champion

Community of Practice for staff

All Mental Health Champions are invited to join the Community of Practice Program. This provides you with opportunities to further develop your knowledge and skills in mental health support through monthly learning and networking sessions.

Each session will focus on building competency and confidence, with guest speakers on topics relevant to mental health. The aim is to provide a safe and supportive space to:

  • share tips and evidence-based best practice
  • lead the implementation of mental health initiatives
  • share experiences and wisdom
  • discuss information gathering and UQ trends

Supporting Students' Mental Health and Wellbeing

Complete the new online module designed by Student Services to build staff awareness of how to best support students' mental health and wellbeing while studying at university.

Complete the module