a group of people smiling on a stage in front of a big purple sign

The University of Queensland is celebrating innovation and creativity with the 2022 Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

1 November 2022

Developing thermal protection systems to enable Mars return missions, creating more efficient solar energy conversion, and improving invasive pest management are some of the 95 University of Queensland projects that have netted $38.6 million in...

30 November 2018

What do slush funds, smart home safety, smuggling and sport have in common?

18 September 2017
Jolanda Jetten.

Research into social identity and group dynamics, particularly the response to stigma and oppression, has led Professor Jolanda Jetten to be awarded a prestigious fellowship.

24 September 2015
Students Andrew Thorpe, Bo Daly and Evangelene Dickson inside the media centre at the G20. Photo: Genevieve Worrell.

From reporting on US President Barack Obama’s landmark Brisbane address to analysing politics at the International Media Centre, University of Queensland journalism and communications students had all angles of the G20 covered.

27 November 2014
Ms Julieanne Alroe, Brisbane Airport Corporation CEO and Managing Director.

A globally influential Australian investor, one of the only women in the world to run a privatised airport, and leaders in engineering, diplomatic services and agriculture are among 17 outstanding graduates who will receive The University of...

26 August 2014

A collaborative research project aimed at discovering a drug to treat a highly resistant form of breast cancer is one of two projects given the green light by the Queensland Emory Development (QED) Alliance.

7 November 2013
“We’re excited to be bringing our distinctive brand of hospitality to The University of Queensland”

A new café specializing in Italian food has opened at the UQ Tennis Centre, Blair Drive, St Lucia.

30 March 2012

UQ Ipswich has awarded 21 scholarships and prizes worth over 42,000 dollars to its students at a special function at The University of Queensland’s Ipswich Campus.

18 May 2011

Journalists who uncovered key details of Queensland’s biggest political scandal will speak at a free seminar presented by The University of Queensland’s School of Journalism and Communication at the Brisbane Powerhouse on Saturday, March 7.

25 February 2009

University of Queensland (UQ) researchers will share in more than $23 million million in funding as part of the latest round of National Health and Medical Research Council program grants scheme.

5 July 2004

A new SGI Origin 3000 supercomputer will be based at The University of Queensland, assisting in research areas such as drug design, genetics, molecular modelling and natural disaster prediction.

23 January 2002

Xenome Ltd Company targets new generation pharmaceuticals from the venom of Australia's unique fauna Queensland's rapidly emerging biotechnology industry will be enhanced with the establishment of Xenome Limited, an IMB spin-off company...

9 March 2000

The poison chalice of a humble marine snail is fast becoming the Holy Grail of pain relieving drugs.

6 October 1999

The University of Queensland has snared a contract to develop 60,000 flannel flower plants as the official floral emblem for New South Wales Centennial celebrations.

23 September 1999

A $1.9 million research collaboration based at the University of Queensland's Gatton College may add up to five new species to Australia's lucrative native plant export market.

1 March 1999

The University of Queensland's Centre for Drug Design and Development has launched three spin-off biotechnology companies to further develop intellectual property and commercialise the results of its research.

26 February 1999