Some of the SaveNCane team (from left) Dr Prakash Lakshmanana, Dr Nicole Robinson, Jaya Basnayake and Jessica Vogt.

A research project that could avoid future overuse of nitrogen fertilisers on sugarcane has been honoured with a top industry award for innovation.

19 April 2013
UQ Chancellor John Story congratulates Chancellor's Award winner Melissa Glendenning, Operations Manager at Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

Professional staff play a vital role in supporting teaching, research and engagement at The University of Queensland, a contribution that today was recognised through the prestigious Chancellor’s Awards.

21 February 2013

Rising nitrogen fertiliser application to sugarcane crops globally and the potential for this fertiliser to be leached from soil and lost to the atmosphere have been highlighted in a new study led by The University of Queensland (UQ) and BSES Ltd.

9 May 2011