UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Associate Dean (Research) Professor Christina Lee and ACIC Chief Executive Officer Mr Michael Phelan APM

Queensland has some of the highest fentanyl consumption and MDA excretion levels in the country, according to the latest report by The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).

28 October 2019
Professor Leanne Hides

Increasing knowledge about what treatments are most effective for addiction and mental health is the focus of an appointment made by The University of Queensland and collaborators Lives Lived Well.

31 January 2017
Professor Christina Lee

A Queensland researcher’s decades of devotion to influencing women’s health policy has resulted in international recognition.

8 December 2016

An all-girl team of high school students competing in the F1 in Schools Technology Challenge has consulted with University of Queensland neuroscientists ahead of the national final at the Australian Grand Prix next week.

6 March 2015

Women’s perceptions of what is considered normal and desirable female genitalia may be influenced by exposure to modified images, a new study suggests.

20 December 2013
Lourdes D'Cruz and baby Hannah.

New graduate Lourdes D’Cruz would have had a good excuse for extending her thesis submission deadline – considering her baby’s due date fell on the very same day.

10 December 2012

Discussing women’s sexuality is generally a social taboo, but UQ School of Psychology researcher Claire Moran is out to change the public’s perception, and give women more confidence in their sexual choices.

13 August 2010

Mums and bubs will find a new resource at UQ in 2009, after the Queensland Government chose UQ researchers to lead an important new centre of excellence.

19 December 2008

The potential of using more realistic models in the mass media in place of ultra-thin and ultra-muscular images is the focus of research by UQ PhD candidate Phillippa Diedrichs.

19 November 2008