The ocean is Melanesia’s lifeblood, sustaining a diverse range of natural assets such as fish stocks, coral reefs and mangroves. Photo: Catlin Seaview Survey

Marine scientists have proposed a prosperity path for Melanesia, in a report that values the region’s ocean assets at more than half a trillion US dollars.

18 October 2016
UQ is the first university in Queensland to introduce carsharing

The University of Queensland has joined with GoGet carsharing network to enhance its focus on sustainability.

15 August 2016
The study reinforced the therapeutic benefits of sleep.

An international study on sleep and learning in flies has shown a good night’s sleep might be vital for retaining our capacity to learn and remember, with implications for the treatment of human disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

23 April 2015

New insights into how nerves cells in the brain maintain efficient communication with each other may help offset the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

6 February 2015
More than 60 per cent of Australians are overweight or obese

Growing obesity levels are increasing the burden of cancers throughout the world, say University of Queensland researchers.

8 December 2014
About one in ten people released from prison has an intellectual disability. Jes, CC BY-SA

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) promises to deliver better support to the one in five Australians living with a disability. But what about those inside prison or who have just left prison? Will the NDIS look after them too, or keep...

3 November 2014
An example of highly-effective telehealth is the mobile telemedicine program in Cherbourg.

Queensland has claimed a knockout blow against the tyranny of distance in health care today with the opening of The University of Queensland’s Centre of Research Excellence in Telehealth.

10 September 2014

A Solomon Islands provincial capital will be relocated to the mainland due to coastal hazards and the risks of rising sea levels resulting from climate change.

19 August 2014
Less than two per cent of Australian women are eating the recommended five servings of vegetables a day

Less than two per cent of Australian women are eating the recommended five servings of vegetables a day, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

26 May 2014
Yolngu have more than one name: artist’s Renelle Barradakanpuy Wunungmurra’s other initials are RWW for Renelle Watjidigawuy Wunungmurra.

The UQ Anthropology Museum is challenging audiences with two new exhibitions: Gapuwiyak Calling and written on the body.

2 May 2014
Chancellors Place is open to traffic again three weeks ahead of schedule.

Chancellors Place roundabout at The University of Queensland is open again to traffic three weeks ahead of schedule, thanks to swift road works over the holiday period.

3 January 2014
AFL champion, 2013 UQ Excellence Scholarship and UQ Sports Achievement Scholarship winner Lewis Radford.

Elite-level athletes are encouraged to apply for one of The University of Queensland’s 2014 sporting scholarships.

14 October 2013
Dr Melrose Brown is satisfied that the carbon composite fins made the journey to Norway undamaged.

Australia’s hypersonic scramjet has arrived safe in Norway, where the team will prepare it for its 8600km/h “hypersonic swan-dive” from the edge of space.

5 September 2013

Australia has maintained its overall ranking at eighth position in the second annual Universitas 21 assessment, which compares the quality of higher education systems in 50 countries.

9 May 2013

Scientists have discovered the powerful role the molecule Myosin VI plays in communication between nerve cells in the brain.

4 February 2013

A project based at The University of Queensland is helping women who have survived breast cancer to lose weight and live healthier, longer lives.

26 October 2012

A new study from The University of Queensland shows monitoring the brain of stroke patients using Quantitative EEG (QEEG) studies could inform treatments and therefore, minimising brain damage of stroke victims.

13 August 2012

More than 200 economic theorists across the world will attend next week’s major economic conference in Australia.

27 June 2012

Parents can help their child cope with the wild weather that is currently wreaking havoc across South East Queensland by accessing a free, online survival guide developed by The University of Queensland.

25 January 2012

THE work of 15 researchers and supervisors has been honoured at a special ceremony to mark Research Week at The University of Queensland.

13 September 2011