Sportspeople between the ages of 18-40 who play sport in Brisbane are sought for the study. Image credit: Marnie McLaren.

A groundbreaking study into concussion has been launched by scientists at The University of Queensland – and you could possibly play a part.

4 July 2017

A $5 million donation to The University of Queensland’s prestigious Queensland Brain Institute will transform the way world-leading researchers work with patients and doctors.

24 May 2017

A range of University of Queensland experts is available to comment on issues around the Federal Budget. Journalists can search by topic or name at UQ Experts or contact the following experts.

10 May 2017
Three dimensional imaging of the blood-brain barrier

Non-invasive ultrasound improves the delivery to the brain of a therapeutic antibody targeting Alzheimer’s disease, University of Queensland researchers have found.

5 April 2017

A series of free online courses designed to support school leaders and teachers to develop innovative teaching practices will start on Tuesday 17 January.

12 January 2017
Associate Professor Benjamin Hogan received $1,228,364

University of Queensland health and medical research projects aimed at improving the nation’s healthcare will benefit from a national allocation of more than $483 million announced today.

3 December 2016

A new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to help school leaders and teachers foster deep learning in their students has been announced by The University of Queensland, edX and Microsoft today.

11 October 2016
QBI director Professor Pankaj Sah ... edits the companion journal

The University of Queensland and prestigious international publishing group Nature Research have launched a global online community dedicated to improving knowledge on the science of learning.

5 September 2016
First edition of QBI's Brain Series magazine

Scientists at The University of Queensland have teamed up with the peak body for Australian athletes, the Australian Athletes’ Alliance, to tackle concussion and its long-term effects.

21 June 2016
Professor Naomi Wray, Professor Peter Visscher and Associate Professor Jian Yang ... analysing very large data sets.

A $7 million Australian Government grant will propel the advance of personalised medicine for common diseases, in a five-year research project at The University of Queensland.

3 March 2016
Professor Perry Bartlett

Queensland continues to demonstrate that it is a global powerhouse in neuroscience research, with The University of Queensland’s (UQ) Professor Perry Bartlett last night receiving a Research Australia Lifetime Achievement Award.

19 November 2015
UQ QBI researcher Professor Pankaj Sah has been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of the new journal.

Science’s brightest minds will gather at The University of Queensland on 24 April to lead the Science of Learning symposium, celebrating Nature Publishing Group’s (NPG) new open access research journal, the npj Science of Learning.

23 April 2015
UQ researcher Professor Pankaj Sah of the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the new journal.

Nature Publishing Group has partnered with The University of Queensland to publish npj Science of Learning, a new open access research journal that will explore the neurobiology of learning in experimental and educational environments.

2 February 2015
It's an exciting time in medical discovery, says UQ Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Anton MIddelberg

The National Health and Medical Research Council has awarded six new Research Fellowships at The University of Queensland, and extended funding on another four.

2 September 2014

The Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC), led by The University of Queensland, has appointed a new director, Professor Pankaj Sah.

9 May 2014
Deep brain stimulation is being used as a treatment for Parkinson's disease.

University of Queensland researchers have made a surprise discovery about how the brain plans movement that may lead to more targeted treatments for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

3 February 2014

A $16 million research centre combining education, psychology and neuroscience to improve learning outcomes was launched at the University of Queensland this week. The Science of Learning Research Centre is an Australian Research Council...

29 November 2013
Dr Jian Yang is one of two recipients of the Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation’s Senior Medical Research Fellowship.

A University of Queensland researcher has been awarded $1.2 million to unlock the genetic underpinning of thousands of diseases, including schizophrenia, Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and cancer.

5 November 2013
The Science of Learning Research Centre will help improve teaching across Australia and abroad.

The University of Queensland will lead a consortium, including the University of Melbourne and the Australian Council for Educational Research, which has been awarded $16 million to establish a Science of Learning Research Centre designed to improve...

7 May 2013

A batch of Australia’s brainiest young scientists are learning how to understand neural function through an advanced course at North Stradbroke Island.

1 May 2013