Hepburn Wind, a 4.1MW two-turbine wind farm cooperative

People locked out of the renewable energy market by cost, knowledge barriers or restrictive housing arrangements, such as renters, could benefit from emerging community energy schemes.

5 March 2018
After more than a century of graduations, Queensland’s largest university is celebrating a major milestone this December: 250,000 graduates.

After more than a century of graduations, Queensland’s largest university is celebrating a major milestone this December: 250,000 graduates.

14 December 2017
Samantha Reynolds with a whale shark - image Janine Marx

Whale shark researchers have solved a long-standing mystery about where the world’s largest fish go during the Australian spring and summer.

30 August 2017
 The building (pictured rear) will accommodate 1300 students

Work is about to start on the site of The University of Queensland’s $250 million Student Residences Project at St Lucia.

21 August 2017
Countries accounting for around 85 per cent of the world’s population are largely overlooked

Lack of diversity in psychological research is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, according to an Australian academic.

13 June 2017
Dr Monica Chien and Dr Sarah Kelly are working to promote Kobe as a destination.

The University of Queensland Business School is helping shape Brisbane’s sister city Kobe into an attractive international sports and tourist destination.

2 May 2017
UQ Chancellor Peter Varghese AO, Professor Sarah Derrington (Dean of Law and Head of TC Beirne School of Law), The Honourable Susan Kiefel AC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj.

The $35-million renovation of a Brisbane icon – The University of Queensland’s Forgan Smith building – has been officially opened by The Hon Justice Susan Kiefel AC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.

14 March 2017
Professor Jochen Mueller

Proceeds of Crime funding will help University of Queensland researchers keep an eye on drugs in Australia’s wastewater.

3 November 2016

I refer to Fossil Fuel UQ’s briefing paper “Fossil Fuel Divestment and The University of Queensland” and attendance at the April and August Senate meetings.

7 October 2016
Overharvesting and habitat conversion is imperilling species

University of Queensland-led research published in Nature has found that nearly three-quarters of the world’s threatened species are in peril because people are converting their habitat into agricultural lands and overharvesting species.

11 August 2016
Rugby league player Johnathan Thurston

In the wake of winning the first match of this year’s State of Origin series, Queensland rugby league maestro Johnathan Thurston advised students from Cape York to prioritise their education.

2 June 2016
UQ's new Laureate Fellows - Professor Alan Rowan, left, and Professor Paul Burn

The University of Queensland has received $24.5 million in the competitive Australian Research Council grants announced in Canberra today, securing a greater share of the pool than any other university.

6 May 2016
Associate Professor Christa van Kraayenoord

Reading comprehension levels of children in the Bowen Basin have improved thanks to a University of Queensland-led project.

22 April 2016

While the western world is well recovered from its own New Year festivities, Chinese New Year is only partway through its 23 day celebration, with today (February 8) officially marking the start of the year of the monkey.

8 February 2016
Louisa Parkinson.

She chose plant science because she wanted to “feed the world”, and now University of Queensland student Louisa Parkinson is the face of the University’s new advertising campaign.

5 August 2015
Peter Hennessey ‘The explanation (Cockpit voice recorder)’ 2014 plywood, ABS plastic and wax 17 x 34 x 20 cm Collection of the artist. Reproduced courtesy of the artist, Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne, and GAGPROJECTS/Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide. Photo: Andrew Curtis

Where better to celebrate International Museum Day on Monday 18 May than The University of Queensland which has multiple?

15 May 2015
Cane toad

Wait before you whack that toad. Not only is it frowned upon to kill cane toads inhumanely, but the amphibian’s venom could be worth a bucket-load.

25 March 2015
US President Barack Obama arriving in Bangkok on his 2012 visit, with then-Deputy Prime Minister, Phongthep Thepkanchana.

The unusually strident criticism of Thailand’s military regime by the US assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Russel, during his visit to the country last month drew a strong reaction.

23 February 2015

The horrific murder of Japanese nationals by Islamic State (IS) terrorists in early February has sparked a pensive debate about whether the pacifist Japanese constitution is an anachronism.

18 February 2015
The MBA students work on a “real life” US market entry or expansion project for an Australian company.

University of Queensland Master of Business Administration students are helping three Australian companies to expand their customer bases in the United States.

12 February 2015