Emeritus Professor Ian Zimmer ... his legacy lives on.

Emeritus Professor Ian Zimmer was a key leader at The University of Queensland in the years leading up to his retirement in 2013.

8 November 2017

Eight UQ student athletes have joined the ranks of the sporting elite after receiving a UQ Blue – The University of Queensland’s highest sporting honour – at the 2017 UQ Blues Awards Dinner.

6 November 2017
UQ’s women’s judo team finished with six medals

UQ has finished fourth overall, and Queensland’s top-ranked university, at the 2017 Australian Uni Games (AUG) on the Gold Coast.

3 October 2017
UQ Vet Science students in equine emergency and critical care practical.

Veterinary students can now hone their clinical skills in a new $1.5 million training facility at The University of Queensland’s Gatton campus.

6 September 2017

Global US food and animal safety company Neogen Corporation is establishing an animal genomics facility at The University of Queensland Gatton campus in a move that will reinforce UQ’s capacity to support the livestock industry and animal breeders.

1 September 2017
Australia lost 122,400 manufacturing jobs in the decade to 2015

Australia’s manufacturing level is the OECD’s lowest and the long-term decline of manufacturing here is atypical among comparable countries, new research shows.

17 July 2017

The University of Queensland has recognised staff members and teams in the 2017 UQ Awards for Excellence.

7 June 2017
New Fellows ... physicist Professor Timothy Ralph (left) and Professor Phil Hugenholtz.

The thrill of fundamental discovery is a driving force for two University of Queensland professors who have today been named as new fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.

22 May 2017
Uncontrolled inflammation can cause pain and drive disease

University of Queensland researchers have discovered a molecular trigger for inflammation that could lead to new treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

19 January 2017

Leonie the leopard shark has made a switch that could save her species – becoming the first shark recorded to change from sexual to asexual reproduction.

17 January 2017

An international study led by University of Queensland researchers seeks to understand how white and tiger shark populations have changed over time.

21 December 2016

​A world-first study has questioned the relative benefits of robotic keyhole surgery for prostate cancer.

27 July 2016
Bridie Schultz

University of Queensland research into the chilled storage of koala semen has major implications for the assisted breeding and genetic diversity of captive and wild populations.

28 June 2016

The University of Queensland hosted its annual Celebration of Giving Ceremony at Customs House in Brisbane this week.

16 June 2016
UQ's Excellence awardees 2016

Staff who have contributed to The University of Queensland’s vision of excellence have been celebrated and awarded at the 2016 UQ Awards for Excellence.

10 June 2016
Image: iStock.

Experts are calling for a national register of cost-effective drugs for public hospitals as medical advances push up the cost of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

2 June 2016

Do social workers have the potential to be a danger to the public? Should they be registered just like nurses?

23 May 2016
UQ's new Laureate Fellows - Professor Alan Rowan, left, and Professor Paul Burn

The University of Queensland has received $24.5 million in the competitive Australian Research Council grants announced in Canberra today, securing a greater share of the pool than any other university.

6 May 2016
Professor Sunil Lakhani ... seeking to offer improved quality of life and more targeted treatments to beat the most common female cancer

Three of Queensland’s leading breast cancer researchers have joined forces to lead a $6.5 million National Health and Medical Research Council-funded program that is set to change the future of breast cancer diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

14 March 2016
Ziggy with his customised cart.

The future seems bright for Ziggy the three-legged wonder dog, after specialist surgery at The University of Queensland’s Veterinary Medical Centre at Gatton.

8 March 2016