A person in a hazmat suit standing beneath a large telescope.

A “game changing” new telescope will soon be blasted into space to embark on a lonely 1.5-million-kilometre orbit around the Sun to provide a clearer view of the ever-expanding universe.

24 December 2021
Firefighters standing near a truck watching a large plume of smoke.

A world-first real-time bushfire hazard detection and warning system using artificial intelligence (AI) is under development thanks to a new partnership between The University of Queensland and Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm.

11 December 2021
Coral skeleton rubble.

Stabilising reef rubble may help corals recover faster after being damaged by the impacts of climate change and natural degradation.

2 December 2021
An octopus swimming through a coral reef.

The unique brainpower of octopuses – known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes – has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

22 November 2021
A cross section of a taro.

The tropical root vegetable taro, known as the ‘food of the gods’ in the Pacific, is under threat from rising sea levels but wild Australian plants being cultivated by The University of Queensland may help boost food security in the region.

21 October 2021
Young boy resting his head on books

An international study has found a global target to eradicate childhood anaemia by 2030 will fail, presenting a major public health challenge.

13 August 2021
An artists impression of the new material, with nitrogen atoms included in two layers of honeycomb-patterned graphene.

As silicon-based technology reaches its absolute limits, a material engineered by University of Queensland researchers could herald the next generation of electronics with more memory, faster speeds and advanced features.

8 July 2021

Only 40 per cent of forests are considered to have high ecological integrity, according to a new global measure, the Forest Landscape Integrity Index.

9 December 2020

Australia’s renewable energy research capacity has been boosted with the completion of The University of Queensland’s 64 megawatt solar farm at Warwick in the state’s south east.

17 July 2020

The University of Queensland’s COVID-19 vaccine has passed another important milestone, showing the ability to raise high levels of antibodies that can neutralise the virus in early pre-clinical testing.

29 April 2020
Sharks swimming together in the ocean with a blue sky above

It’s not too late to rescue global marine life, according to a study outlining the steps needed for marine ecosystems to recover from damage by 2050.

2 April 2020
Wilderness: image from Pexels

A group of international conservationists is urging governments across the globe to adopt a new approach to address the impact of economic development on the natural world.

8 November 2019
Wombat skulls seem to be changing to match their diets

Flexible jaws may help wombats better survive in a changing world by adapting to climate change’s effect on vegetation and new diets in conservation sanctuaries.

5 November 2019

The impact of losing intact tropical forests is more devastating on the climate than previously thought, according to University of Queensland-led research.

31 October 2019

The most up-to-date global satellite images of the world’s coral reefs are now online, thanks to a collaboration between Microsoft’s late co-founder, Paul G. Allen, and a team of international partners including The University of Queensland.

2 November 2018
UQ Global Change Institute Director Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Scientists have identified a portfolio of the world’s reefs most likely to survive the coming decades, using principles from the financial investment world.

28 June 2018
Placing pressure transducers in the inner lagoon of Temae, Moorea. Photo by V. Parravicini

The death of coral reefs is a more significant factor in the erosion of tropical coastlines than rising sea levels, an international study has revealed.

1 March 2018

Issues critical to communities across the world will be discussed at an international symposium in Brisbane from September 22 to 25.

20 September 2016
Sir David Attenborough, as he appears while introducing the interactive website

University of Queensland scientific research on the Great Barrier Reef is in the international spotlight with this week’s launch of an interactive website to complement a BBC television series to be released on 30 December.

23 December 2015
The Queensland node of the centre will be led by Professor Graeme Hammer from UQ’s Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

Queensland scientists will play a key role in a new Australian research centre working to increase major food crop yields. University of Queensland researchers will form the Queensland node of the $22 million Australian Research Council Centre of...

24 October 2014