A person holding a spray bottle standing in front of plants at a plant nursery

An Australian-first study by researchers from The University of Queensland has found 8 per cent of urine samples drawn from the general public contained a common weed killer.

30 September 2022
Rows of maroon and yellow capsule medication in blister packs

University of Queensland researchers say metal compounds could be the answer to the growing problem of drug-resistant fungal infections.

26 September 2022
Robotic hands in radiochemistry facility

Radiopharmaceuticals are an emerging medical technology that deliver radiation therapy directly to cancer cells while sparing the rest of the body from the harsh effects of cancer treatment.

13 September 2022
A child blowing nose

University of Queensland-led research has found the lining of children’s noses is better at inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infections than adult noses.

4 August 2022
A woman in a white top reclines on a couch, resting a blue coffee cup on her pregnant stomach

University of Queensland researchers have found enjoying a daily latte or long black causes no increased risk to pregnancy.

14 June 2022
Man looking at himself in the mirror at a gym

Research from The University of Queensland has found people lifting weights for aesthetic reasons run the risk of developing muscle dysmorphia.

1 June 2022
A man at a lecturn waving and a woman in a red dress watching on.

The ALP will rightly bask in this election victory. As the party’s Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek put it Saturday night: a win is a win is a win.

23 May 2022
A pair of hands in surgical gloves examing a petri dish

The University of Queensland has been selected as one of the first launch institutions in the world to partner with biotechnology company Moderna to research and develop vaccines to tackle the world’s greatest global public health threats.

10 March 2022
A woman in a white shirt smiling

Dr Sonia Shah is deciphering some of the most difficult scientific and medical dilemmas facing society, but it was returning to work after having a baby that almost unravelled her.

9 March 2022
Sun shining through smoke onto high-rise buildings. Adobe

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has handed down the second instalment of its Sixth Assessment report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability.

1 March 2022
An artist's impression of hookworm inside a human intestine.

There’s been a significant breakthrough in the development of a vaccine to prevent hookworm infection – a parasite which causes serious disease in tens of millions of people globally.

26 October 2021

A University of Queensland start-up company, developing a potential new treatment for obesity-related liver disease, has secured a seed investment of $1.3 million from IP Group, a UK-based intellectual property business.

20 October 2021
Young boy resting his head on books

An international study has found a global target to eradicate childhood anaemia by 2030 will fail, presenting a major public health challenge.

13 August 2021
Pets can be especially vulnerable to snake bites

University of Queensland experts are available for comment on the current seasonal increase in snake numbers and the impacts on people and pets.

26 October 2018

Ever wanted to bottle the green fresh aroma of a forest? UQ researcher Dr Nick Lavidis has done just that with a new "eau de grass" spray soon to be launched on the market.

20 August 2009